Friday, October 8, 2010

"Passing Cemetery Hill"

“Passing Cemetery Hill” is one of Dennis Smith’s recently completed paintings, and, according to Dennis, it is one of the pieces that best defines him as an artist. His paintings are laced with an essence of symbolism. Some key concepts in “Passing Cemetery Hill” focus on an awareness of how we all live within our own separate worlds, within our own journeying to and from home. This concept is in part represented by the separate houses tucked along the edges of the painting. Even though we are all similar to one another, we are all unique in our experience and expression. Almost everything in a Dennis Smith painting has a greater meaning behind it. An example would be telephone poles and trees, which Dennis has said become binders between heaven and earth. Another example would be how fences, ladders and rows of trees represent, in their repetition, a consciousness of time.

Dennis said, “The significance of my visual images is connected not only to the world I see beyond home, but also within home. Home and memory are the core of past experiences. Memory merges images of the past with images of the moment. ‘Passing Cemetery Hill’ is a painting rooted in the place of my beginning - it is the small community where I grew up and where I now live. I have seen much of the world, but I always come home. Alpine, my home town, has become a metaphor for that place of rootedness. In my father’s old black truck, I pass the hill in a chronological movement through life. In the foreground, childhood prominently steps forward; our mortality and eventual demise linger always in our awareness; nevertheless hope and faith drive us toward visions of immortality. The road winds ambiguously into the distant landscape where all of us wonder about our eventual destiny, both here and possibly beyond.”

Friday, September 3, 2010

Black Rock

Dennis was recently in an exhibit at the Williams Fine Art center featuring Black Rock.
Dennis had four pieces in the exhibit ranging over different times, and all of them were very well received.

Black Rock is what is leftover of a volcanic plug over looking the Great Salt Lake. This landmark has been the star of many pieces of art, ranging from photographs to paintings done in all styles and forms.

The Black Rock exhibit at the Williams Fine Art center began when Thomas Alder, managing partner at Williams Fine Art, found that many images Black Rock appeared often during research for a book he is co-authoring about northern Utah. Upon this discovery, he sent out an invitation for artists to paint Black Rock and submit their painting to be in an exhibit.

The Salt Lake Tribune did an article on the Black Rock art exhibit, and Dennis was quoted in it saying, "It's (Black Rock) a pivot point - a marker that tells you where you were in relation to home. Black Rock is a landmark in time and awareness, and all that time somehow melds together when you have a physical marker such as the one we have at the Great Salt Lake."

To read the full article visit:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Upcoming Art Show

Dennis will have his work displayed at the Loveland Sculpture Invitational Art Show held August 7th and 8th. The Loveland Sculpture Invitational has become one of the biggest sculpture shows in the U.S. and we look forward to having Dennis' work there. With Dennis' unique style and captivating pieces, we know he will catch the attention as well as the hearts of art lovers and passersby alike.

If you are headed down to Loveland, CO for the show, stop by and take a look at some of Dennis' iconic work. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Forever Remember Update

Dennis has completed Forever Remember and it has been installed in Marietta, GA. We will be posting pictures of the unveiling soon. It was a pleasure to work with the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. and we hope they and all who see Forever Remember will enjoy Dennis' work and keep in their memories those who have sacrificed so much for this country both on and off the battlefield.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Dennis doesn't do too many of these anymore. His Airships are some of his most beloved and unique works. Some of his most widely known Airships are installed in the Salt Lake City Airport. This particular airship was a commission for a private residence in Salt Lake. It was installed about a week ago.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Forever Remember

This sculpture of Dennis' entitled "Forever Remember" is a unique memorial. Rather than focusing on soldiers, it focuses on those that supported and have been left behind. They are those that will forever remember the sacrifices of their loved ones.

Forever Remember is a original commission that will be completed later this year in a life size version.